What is Book-Bosomed?

By definition, book-bosomed is someone who carries book all the time. The phrase was first coined by Scottish novelist and poet, Sir Walter Scott in 1805. When I learned this phrase, nothing describe me better. I might not always reading, but I never leave my room--not even to the toilet--without a book. I don't always end up reading it, but I just have to at least carry one with me. It's like an assurance just in case I got stuck waiting for something. And I've been doing it for a long time.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. That's why I'm starting this blog with exciting things coming up for all you book-bosomed out there. For now, I'll just put up some honest and amateur review of books I've read.

If you're interested, you can always subscribe to this blog or follow my instagram account; @bookbosomed.id

And, oh, I'm Indonesian. So feel free to comment in Bahasa if you're my fellow Indonesians!


  1. Wah, ternyata orang Indonesia. Salam.
    Saya sempat memiliki keinginan/kebiasaan seperti itu. Tapi kemudian saya berusaha tinggalkan karena merasa tidak wajar dan mungkin akan dianggap aneh atau berlebihan. Ternyata kebiasaan membawa buku ke mana-mana bahkan ada sebutannya sendiri, ya. Terima kasih informasinya.

  2. Wah, saya banget ya. ke mana-mana selalu bawa buku, meskipun jarang banget saya baca kalau kemana-mana. justru baru baca kalo udah sampe ke kos. nggak tau gitu, entah kenapa, kayaknya tenang aja kalo bawa buku kemana-mana, wkwkw. mungkinkah kelainan mental, wkwk
    Btw, salam kenal ya, Kreta Amura


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